Formerly known as The Legal Education & Training Group (LETG)


Learning in Law membership

Learning in Law membership is open to individual law firms, in-house legal departments and government legal departments. Each organisation may have as many named members as it requires, and the fee is £99 per person. One person will be the organisation's representative, with the ability to vote at AGMs and to join the Learning in Law committee. The other named individuals will be associate members. All named members are entitled to:

  • Network with members from 200+ law firms and ask them questions, for references or advice.
  • Attend events - the annual conference, networking and awards events, masterclasses and knowledge cafes.  A small fee will apply for these events which will be confirmed at the point of advertising.
  • Access to our website with its extensive resources including news, knowledge, questions and the invaluable list of recommended training providers, coaches and consultant.
  • Representation in and feedback from SRA consultations, industry think tanks and pressure groups

Commercial providers and other consultants are not able to become Learning in Law members, but those who are recommended by a member will be added to the list of providers on the Learning in Law website and will be invited to specific events, including the annual conference and the networking and awards event.

The Learning in Law Membership year runs from 1st September to 31st August.

Subscription fees

Subscription fees for 2023/2024


£99 p.p

If you are interested in joining please contact Natasha at

Learning in Law Podcast - Episode #1: Visual Communications with Steve Rowland

YouTube :

Spotify :


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